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Small Gains in Equity Markets, Rising Oil Prices: Weekly Market Summary

Equity markets managed to eke out small gains last week, despite a jump in volatility.

Tensions and violence continued to escalate in Africa and the Middle East. The threat of contagion across the region to larger oil-producing nations, such as Saudi Arabia, has pushed crude oil prices well above $100 per barrel and has many investors seeking to reduce this risk from their portfolios.

Read more in this week’s Market Summary. (PDF, new window)

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Junior Achievement: At Work at Lincolnville Central School

Tom Chester leading a Junior Achievement class at Lincolnville Central School

Who fixes potholes? What are taxes? These were the questions discussed by Lincolnville Central School second graders one Monday recently as part of their hour with Tom Chester of Allen Insurance and Financial, their Junior Achievement curriculum leader, pictured here with some of his students.

Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. Allen Insurance and Financial has been participating with the JA program in Lincolnville for two years.

The program is offered to students in Kindergarten through 5th grade, said Elyzabeth Richards, LCS guidance counselor. Allen Insurance and Financial is one of six area businesses which purchase a JA kit for a classroom and provide an employee to lead the curriculum. Joining Allen Insurance and Financial in this community education commitment are Viking Lumber, Robbins Lumber, Camden National Bank, Bangor Savings Bank and Mathews Brothers.

LCS middle schoolers in grades 6 through 8 build on their JA experience through the school’s career education, said Richards.

“Having business leaders involved in our school is a great gift or our students,” Richards said, noting that JA leaders follow their classes as the move up through the grades, building a mentoring relationship.

Businesses interested in participating in the LCS JA program can call Richards at the school: 763-3366. LCS is the only area school with a JA program; it was established seven years ago with the help of Camden National Bank.

For more information about Junior Achievement in Maine, visit

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Welcoming Scott Carlson

Scott Carlson

Scott Carlson of Camden has joined Allen Insurance and Financial.

Previously, he was a partner and client consultant at Links Online Marketing, a website development and Internet marketing business in Bangor. He has also worked as a division manager and design director at Moss, Inc.

A native of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Carlson has a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Victoria and a master’s degree in information systems engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York University. For his first months at Allen Insurance and Financial, Carlson will be without a specific job title as he participates in the company’s comprehensive in-house insurance education program.

“Scott’s background in design, manufacturing, engineering, project management and technology provides him with a solid foundation for providing creative solutions to challenging problems, as well as effective management of people, projects and more,” said Gilbert Fifield, president of Allen Insurance and Financial. “We are looking forward to Scott’s applying these skills to our work here, providing quality products and services to our customers.”

Carlson and his wife Donna live in Camden with their two young sons. He is a member of the Camden Rotary Club and the MCSA Youth Hockey board. Outside of work, he enjoys sailing, hiking, biking, music and spending time with his family.

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What’s An Ice Dam?

Avoid the costly collision of hot and cold and reduce the risk that ice dams will form and create a soggy mess. When heat from the interior of a building with a sloped roof escapes into the attic space, it warms the underside of the roof. Meanwhile, the roof eave outside the heated space remains at a colder temperature.

As snow accumulates on the rooftop, it melts over the warmer portion of the attic and runs down the roof. When it encounters the cold edge of the roof it refreezes. The refrozen water along the roof edge creates an “ice damming” condition, and consequently, the melted snow running down the roof begins to back up underneath the roof covering.

This water will soak the roof sheathing and leak into the attic unless there is a barrier above the sheathing. An appropriately installed secondary moisture barrier will help prevent the water from entering your property and damaging your structure and its contents.

You can prevent ice dams by ventilating and insulating your attic. But now you need to deal with the problem that exists. Here are some steps you can take to reduce the damage from an ice dam:

• Remove ice and snow from the roof to allow proper drainage. Be careful when performing this task as you can fall, be struck by falling objects or contact electrical lines. Use a snow rake to remove the snow from the ground, if possible.

• If there is an existing ice dam, melt a channel through the ice to the roof surface to create a drain path to relieve water build up.

• An easy way to do this is to fill the leg of panty hose with calcium chloride ice melter and place that on the roof. The long tube can melt a patch through the ice to allow drainage. You can refill or replace the ice melter to keep the channels open. Make sure the channel extends to the roof edge or gutter.

• You can engage the services of your roofing contractor to remove ice build up.

• If you observe water damage, hire a restoration service to dry out the walls, ceiling and structure. Not addressing minor damage can cause rot, decay and more extensive problems.

• Contact your roofer and an insulation company to correct the ventilation and heat transfer issues in your attic. This can prevent future problems.

• When replacing a roof, add an ice and water shield membrane at the edge of the roof and extend it at least five feet up the roof to protect this area against water intrusion.

• If you have suffered damage to your property, contact your Hanover Agent or Hanover Claims at or 1-800-628-0250.

Source: The Hanover Insurance Group, Loss Control Dept. View a PDF of this information, suitable for printing.

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It’s Your Agent’s Job to Ask the Right Questions

Gene McKeeverThe following is a true story. I handle the hull and protection and indemnity (P&I) insurance for an historic tall ship. You would recognize the name of this famous vessel.

Anyway, the president of the non-profit organization that operates the ship was reviewing the insurance coverage with me when he asked if I wrote directors and officers (D&O) liability coverage. I said I did, and that it was a specialty of mine in addition to ocean marine insurance.

I wanted to know why he was asking about D&O coverage. It isn’t something a client will usually ask about.

The gentleman said that his insurance agent was reviewing a renewal questionnaire of his D&O coverage. As they talked, the agent suddenly asked him: “You mean you actually operate your ship? You sail it?” The president of the non-profit group said that they did. The agent replied with a comment that would make the head of any organization cringe: “Oh my gosh, that changes everything. We may have a problem placing coverage.”

It turned out that the insurance agent never knew that the historic ship actually sailed and instead had simply assumed the vessel was simply a relic and was tied to the dock. It most certainly was not, having just returned from an extensive trip.

But there’s more. The president of the non-profit group drives a vehicle owned by the organization. His now ex-insurance agent had insured it as a private vehicle, not a commercially owned one. This meant that the organization head was, without knowing it, driving around without valid insurance. Imagine how he felt about that.

It’s your insurance agent’s job to ask the right questions that will ensure you have the insurance coverage you need for your individual line of work.

Never be afraid to question your agent. You pay dearly for insurance, so make sure your agent is earning the money you pay him. Insist that your agent explain the coverage you’re receiving and make sure he or she uses plain language that you can easily understand.

And never hesitate to ask any question or seek a clarification. Your insurance agent works for you, not the other way around.

This article appeared in the January 2011 issue of WorkBoat magazine, where Gene McKeever, marine insurance specialist, is a monthly columnist.

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Does Your Business Need a Snow and Ice Log?

Maintaining snow and ice logs can prove to be a valuable defense if your business becomes involved in a lawsuit resulting from a slip and fall accident.

Some of the benefits to keeping proper snow and ice logs include:

  • Serves as written proof of how diligent you are at removing snow and ice from your property;
  • Promotes proper maintenance of your property that may help prevent slip and fall accidents from happening and/or reduce occurrences;
  • Functions as a valuable record-keeping tool, which allows you to match up snow removal bills of sub contractors who maintain your property during the winter months.

Download a Snow and Ice Log, courtesy of Hanover Insurance. (PDF, new window)

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Snow Load Alert — Protect Your Roof

As the next in a series of winter storms moves into the region, property owners and residents should be aware of the weight loads these storms may be creating, especially on flat roofs.

The unprecedented snow load on roofs in the Northeast has led to some building damage and collapse. Schools, churches, commercial and residential buildings, carports and awnings have been affected. Read more now in this PDF from Hanover Insurance.

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Implications of the State of the Union Address for Financial Markets

On Jan. 25, 2011, President Barack Obama delivered the annual State of the Union address. The tone of the speech—and the overall feel of the event itself—reflected some significant changes from years past. Much of the president’s softer approach likely can be attributed to the shift of power in the House of Representatives to the Republicans, the result of last November’s election. The president certainly struck a balance, keeping his rhetoric more middle-of-the-road than conservative or liberal.

That softer approach was also reflected in the fact that many members of Congress actually crossed party lines to sit together, rather than remaining on opposite sides of the aisle. This change, along with some refreshing and unexpected, albeit vague, proposals announced by the president, seemed to create a sense of renewed willingness among Congressional members to work together. And if that happens, it could impact the financial markets.

What might we expect in the coming days and months?

The president’s emphasis on the need for greater fiscal responsibility from the federal government, coupled with a goal of deficit reduction and a more pro-business stance, could lead to the greatest potential impact on both equity and fixed income markets.

Equity markets. If we had to point the needle in one direction, we would say most of the initiatives discussed in the State of the Union address should be viewed as positives for equity markets. It appears that the loss of Democratic control in the House, as well as fresh faces on the president’s economic council, have certainly gained his attention. The result is a more accommodative, pro-business central government that understands the country’s need to regain its global competitive advantage and recognizes that, to get there, the U.S. needs to grow its economy and become more of a producer and an innovator, not just a consumer.

Incentives for increased research and development for corporate America, as well as a reduction in the corporate tax rate—one of the highest in the developed world—could impact the markets. The rationale behind these initiatives is to drive both economic and job growth in the U.S. While a drop in tax rates could be immediately beneficial for corporate earnings, it is unclear whether any proposed programs will in fact be successful. The potential for trickle-down growth is there, but it will eventually boil down to what makes it into the final bill.

Fixed income markets. The impact of the president’s speech on the debt markets may be a little harder to read in the short term. The State of the Union address, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announcement on interest rates, and the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, all happened to occur in the same week, and they all could influence the market.

Treasuries rallied before and after the president’s address, largely due to a well-received 2-year auction, the strongest in the last 10 auctions, as well as the president’s comments about putting a freeze on spending. Capping the deficit is a popular topic these days, and the fixed income markets responded positively to the news. A reduction in the deficit also has the potential to make Treasuries more attractive not only domestically but also internationally, as China and Japan, for example, may be more prone to purchase Treasuries backed by a fiscally responsible government. On the other hand, it could have a negative impact on the eurozone, as investors seeking minimal risk may be more likely to return to a U.S. dollar-denominated Treasury instead of investing in countries that are at risk of default (i.e., Spain, Portugal, Italy).

Another market-mover, the FOMC announcement on the afternoon of January 26 actually reversed the previous day’s rally, as policymakers decided to keep interest rates low for an extended period. The Fed stated that while it continued to see some improvement in economic conditions, job and real estate markets remained depressed. In addition, the quantitative easing program—through which the Fed is purchasing Treasuries in an effort to stimulate growth—is likely to reach its $600 billion limit, which could contribute to ongoing volatility in the fixed income markets.

The third potential market-mover, the World Economic Forum, also kicked off on January 26. This annual event brings together business and political leaders from around the world. This year, topics will include issues like world trade, currency rates, government debt, and inflation. Investors will be watching closely for information regarding the economic health of the global economy.

Because the president’s State of the Union address provided little actual detail as to how the various initiatives will be accomplished, it’s still too early to tell how the markets will ultimately respond. But if the president is able to take steps to curb spending and reduce the deficit, while increasing investment in research and development, it could add up to a positive environment for the equity and fixed income markets—and for investors.

Allen Insurance and Financial offers Securities and Advisory Services through Commonwealth Financial Network®, the firm ranked “Highest in Independent Advisor Satisfaction among Financial Investment Firms” by J.D. Power and Associates.

This was authored by Jim McAllister and Fred DeBaets, senior research analysts at Commonwealth Financial Network. © 2011 Commonwealth Financial Network®

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