Scott Carlson
Carlson studied for the state exam through the Allen Insurance and Financial’s in-house education program, passing the exam on the first try. He joined the company in December 2010.
The Allen Insurance and Financial education program is run by Gene McKeever in the company’s Camden office. Staff attend classes on company time as they prepare for their exams. Since the state also requires 30 hours of continuing education over every two-year period for those in the insurance business, Allen Insurance and Financial sponsors those classes, as well.
This kind of investment benefits both Allen Insurance and Financial employees and the company’s customers, said Gil Fifield, company president. “We see payback every day — our people receive support and the most up-to-date information and in turn they offer superior service to our clients,” Fifield said.
The state-issued study guide for insurance licensing is 400+ pages. The state exams are comprised of 150 questions drawn from a pool of 2,400 questions on a complete range of subject areas, including business and personal insurance, workers’ compensation, maritime insurance and Maine insurance law.
Allen Insurance and Financial is an employee-owned insurance, employee benefits, and financial services company with offices in Camden, Rockland, Saco and Southwest Harbor.
For more information call 236-4311, or visit AllenInsuranceAndFinancial.com