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IRS FAQs -FFCRA Tax Credits for Small and Midsize Businesses_001

With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Maine, businesses across the state are seeing employees being quarantined due to diagnosis or close exposure.

It is important to remember that under the The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, all businesses with fewer than  500 employees – nearly the entirety of the Maine business community – are required to provide up to two weeks of pay (80 hours for FTEs) for quarantining employees.  This includes our small businesses who may never have had to administer paid sick leave in the past.

With reduced revenue streams resulting from the pandemic, this requirement may cause deep concern.

It is important to also remember that the FFCRA also provides for a refundable tax credit for the payroll in this scenario.  The credit currently is available through the end of December with their quarterly unemployment filings (form 941).

Allen Insurance and Financial has an HR Compliance Bulletin which may answer many of the questions a business owner or manager may have about these scenarios.  Click here for the PDF.

We also recommend a conversation with your tax preparation professional.

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