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Community Support: Building Hope’s Future in Science

Building Hope’s Future in Science, the volunteer group raising money to build a science lab in the middle school wing at Hope Elementary School, recently received a donation from Allen Insurance and Financial of Camden.Donation to Building Hope's Future in Science

The Hope group has been reaching out to local businesses as they work to raise the $136,000 needed to fund this project. A matching grant has been donated when the group reaches the $50,000 mark. The result of this effort will be the school’s first fully-equipped science lab.

“We are pleased to be able to support this important education initiative,” said Gilbert Fifield, president Allen Insurance and Financial.

The Hope Elementary School website includes additional information about this project:

Image caption: From left, GIlbert Fifield, president, Allen Insurance and Financial of Camden; Carol Hathorne, principal, Hope Elementary School and Erik Wade, middle school science teacher, Hope Elementary.

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Insurance FYI: Coverage for Nuclear Accidents

Nuclear power plant owners in the U.S. are required by law to have liability insurance in place that covers any individuals and businesses located in the affected area who suffer damages in the event of a nuclear accident.

A program for compensating the public for damage and injury caused by a commercial nuclear accident in the United States exists under the Price-Anderson Act. The measure, first passed by Congress in 1957 and renewed four times, most recently in 2005, ensures that adequate funds are available to satisfy liability claims for property damage and personal injury to the public and limits the liability of companies involved in certain nuclear activities, such as power plant operators, in order to encourage the development of private nuclear power. The measure also channels liability to the nuclear facility owner or operator.
Currently, there is nearly $13 billion in liability insurance protection available to be used in the event of a commercial nuclear accident. The level of available insurance protection serves as the liability cap.
Standard property/casualty insurance policies issued in the United States exclude coverage for property damage and personal injury caused by such accidents. All claims are channeled through the nuclear power plant operator.
Under Price-Anderson, claims can be for any nuclear-related incident including those that result from theft, sabotage, transporting or storing nuclear fuel or waste and the operation of nuclear reactors. Claims covered include bodily injury, sickness, disease resulting in death, and property damage and loss, as well as reasonable living expenses for individuals who are evacuated from an affected area.

Two Tiers of Coverage

Nuclear insurance consists of two tiers. The first tier is private liability insurance coverage made available by a pool of U.S. insurance companies, called American Nuclear Insurers. The second tier is made up of an assessment on nuclear power plant operators.
Currently, owners of nuclear power plants pay premiums for $375 million in private liability coverage for each nuclear reactor they own. If there is an incident at a nuclear plant, and the $375 million in coverage is not sufficient, the owner’s coverage is supplemented by the second layer of protection, which is supplied by the nuclear power industry as a whole. Under the Price-Anderson Act, all reactor owners are committed to paying their share of any damages that exceed the incident reactor owner’s first tier limit of $375 million—up to $111.9 million per reactor. Since are currently 104 reactors in operation, the amount that would be available in the industry pool to pay claims totals $12.6 billion (2011).
If this second tier is depleted, the act calls on Congress to decide whether any additional disaster funds are required.

Three Mile Island

There has been only one major accident involving large scale liability payments to the public since Price-Anderson was enacted: the 1979 Three-Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant accident in Middletown, Pennsylvania.
Following the Three-Mile Island accident, insurance adjusters immediately advanced money to evacuated families to cover their living expenses, and reimbursed more than 600 individuals and families for lost wages. A class action lawsuit for economic loss was filed later in federal court on behalf of the residents who lived near the site of the power plant. Insurers paid about $71 million in liability claims and litigation costs associated with the accident. The payments all came from the primary tier of coverage ($140 million per reactor at the time).
In addition to the liability payments to the public under the Price-Anderson Act, $300 million was paid by a pool of insurers to the operator of the damaged nuclear power plant under its property insurance policy.
Source: Insurance Information Institute:
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Insurance FYI: Small Business Insurance Basics

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50/50 Raffle Added to Relay for Life Fundraising Efforts: Get Your Tickets Today

We are a strong supporter of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. We have just added a  50/50 raffle to our fundraising efforts for 2011. Tickets will be sold until the Relay For Life Event in June and the winner will be drawn that evening.

We feet this was a great opportunity to show the community how our employees are supporting the American Cancer Society/Relay For Life Event.

If you need tickets or more information, please contact Karen Reed at 236-4311 or kreed(at)

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Insurance FYI: Potholes

Damage to cars due to potholes is covered under the optional collision portion of an auto insurance policy. Coverage for potholes may vary from company to company—for instance, there may be limited coverage for damage to tires if the car itself was not affected by the pothole.

This coverage also pays for a collision with another car, object or as a result of flipping over. Collision coverage is generally sold with a deductible of $250 to $1,000—the higher the deductible, the lower the premium.

If you need more information or have any questions about whether or when you are covered, always ask your insurance agent. This information comes from the Insurance Information Institute,

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Weekly Market Update : March 14, 2011

Equity markets declined across the board last week. They were led lower by cyclical stocks and international markets.

Tensions across Africa and the Middle East, oil’s rising cost—to more than $106 per barrel—and questions about inflation and potential policy changes at central banks around the world weighed on investors’ minds. Read more in this week’s Market Summary (PDF, new window).

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Scott Carlson Receives State Insurance License

Scott Carlson

Carlson studied for the state exam through the Allen Insurance and Financial’s in-house education program, passing the exam on the first try. He joined the company in December 2010.

The Allen Insurance and Financial education program is run by Gene McKeever in the company’s Camden office. Staff attend classes on company time as they prepare for their exams. Since the state also requires 30 hours of continuing education over every two-year period for those in the insurance business, Allen Insurance and Financial sponsors those classes, as well.

This kind of investment benefits both Allen Insurance and Financial employees and the company’s customers, said Gil Fifield, company president. “We see payback every day — our people receive support and the most up-to-date information and in turn they offer superior service to our clients,” Fifield said.

The state-issued study guide for insurance licensing is 400+ pages. The state exams are comprised of 150 questions drawn from a pool of 2,400 questions on a complete range of subject areas, including business and personal insurance, workers’ compensation, maritime insurance and Maine insurance law.

Allen Insurance and Financial is an employee-owned insurance, employee benefits, and financial services company with offices in Camden, Rockland, Saco and Southwest Harbor.

For more information call 236-4311, or visit

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Small Gains in Equity Markets, Rising Oil Prices: Weekly Market Summary

Equity markets managed to eke out small gains last week, despite a jump in volatility.

Tensions and violence continued to escalate in Africa and the Middle East. The threat of contagion across the region to larger oil-producing nations, such as Saudi Arabia, has pushed crude oil prices well above $100 per barrel and has many investors seeking to reduce this risk from their portfolios.

Read more in this week’s Market Summary. (PDF, new window)

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Junior Achievement: At Work at Lincolnville Central School

Tom Chester leading a Junior Achievement class at Lincolnville Central School

Who fixes potholes? What are taxes? These were the questions discussed by Lincolnville Central School second graders one Monday recently as part of their hour with Tom Chester of Allen Insurance and Financial, their Junior Achievement curriculum leader, pictured here with some of his students.

Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. Allen Insurance and Financial has been participating with the JA program in Lincolnville for two years.

The program is offered to students in Kindergarten through 5th grade, said Elyzabeth Richards, LCS guidance counselor. Allen Insurance and Financial is one of six area businesses which purchase a JA kit for a classroom and provide an employee to lead the curriculum. Joining Allen Insurance and Financial in this community education commitment are Viking Lumber, Robbins Lumber, Camden National Bank, Bangor Savings Bank and Mathews Brothers.

LCS middle schoolers in grades 6 through 8 build on their JA experience through the school’s career education, said Richards.

“Having business leaders involved in our school is a great gift or our students,” Richards said, noting that JA leaders follow their classes as the move up through the grades, building a mentoring relationship.

Businesses interested in participating in the LCS JA program can call Richards at the school: 763-3366. LCS is the only area school with a JA program; it was established seven years ago with the help of Camden National Bank.

For more information about Junior Achievement in Maine, visit

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