Waldo Community Action Partners recently received a donation from Allen Insurance and Financial, with the funds going to toward WCAP’s Heroes 4 Hunger program, a program rooted in WCAP’s Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday food box projects.
Those holiday projects are still held annually, with Heroes 4 Hunger expanding the agency’s reach to address food insecurity and obesity in Waldo County year-round using various avenues for opportunity, such as community education and advocacy.
The Heroes 4 Hunger program is an excellent fit with Allen Insurance and Financial’s emphasis on employee wellness and wellness programs for the agency’s health insurance clients.
A multi-service agency serving Waldo County since 1965, WCAP is the largest provider of low-cost and free transportation and early childhood education in Waldo County.
Pictured here are, from left, Keith Small, WCAP executive director and Richard Crossman of Allen Insurance and Financial.