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By Sarah Ruef-Lindquist,  JD, CTFA

We still have a few months to wait before GivingUSA releases its report on charitable giving for 2021. That usually happens in mid-June.  Anecdotally, many organizations are reporting that despite the significant continuing challenges of the pandemic for their operations and fundraising efforts, 2021 was actually a great year.

After record-breaking 2020 charitable giving statistics were reported in 2021, Fidelity reported as of last fall what they were learning and expected about giving trends in 2021.  They reported 9 out of 10 surveyed in the summer of 2021 indicated they planned to give as much or more than they had given to charity in 2020.

The report is based on a study conducted in July and August 2021 by Artemis Strategy Group, an independent research firm, on behalf of Fidelity Charitable. The study examined the effect of COVID-19 on giving behavior among 701 adults in the U.S. who donated at least $1,000 to charity in 2020.

You may recall, GivingUSA had reported a record $471 billion in 2020, representing a more than 5% increase over 2019 giving.

In November 2021, AFPGlobal.org reported that giving was on pace in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. Through the work of the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, the report includes an increase in new donors as well as an increase in total gifts. “The estimated number of donors increased by 0.7% in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, while the total amount of money given has risen by a projected 1.7%.”

A growth trend in giving would seem to be continuing in 2022.

In an article dated February 15, 2022, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported a 9% increase in giving for 2022 over 2021. This would represent the largest increase in giving since 2012. The report was produced by Blackbaud Institute, a division of Blackbaud, and surveyed roughly 9000 charitable organizations.

Did your organization have a good fundraising year in 2021? We hope so. And we hope 2022 is full of success, too. And to the extent you are having success raising funds for the long-term, through current gifts to endowment or deferred giving, we’d like to know and offer our services tailored to non-profits to support your board’s fiduciary role stewarding those gifts. Learn more at AllenIF.com.

Sarah Ruef-Lindquist, JD, CTFA
Sarah Ruef-Lindquist, JD, CTFA
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