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Once you have coverage through the health insurance marketplace, it’s important to remember that there are some changes that should be reported before the next plan year. Some of the key life changes that you should report include:

  • Getting married or divorced
  • Having a child, adopting a child, or placing a child for adoption
  • Having a change in income
  • Moving
  • Gaining or losing a dependent

You should report these changes to the marketplace as soon as possible. If these changes qualify you for a special enrollment period to change plans, in most cases you’ll have 60 days from the life event to enroll in new coverage. If the changes qualify you for more or less savings, it’s important to make adjustments as soon as possible.
You can report these changes in two ways:

  • Online:  Log in to your account, under applications, select “report a life change.”
  • By phone:  Call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325).

After you report a change, the marketplace will send you a new eligibility notice explaining whether or not you qualify for a special enrollment period that allows you to change plans. You will also receive information telling you whether you’re eligible for lower costs based on your new income, household size, etc.
Click to visit HealthCare.gov for more information. 

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