By Sarah Ruef-Lindquist, JD, CTFA
In 2022, retirement contribution limits for 401(k) and other types of defined contribution plans (403(b), 457 and Thrift Savings plans) will increase $1,000 to $20,500 for those under age 50, and for those 50 and older to $27,000.
This amount is $1,000 higher than it has been and is great news for retirement savers. Taking advantage of plans that allow taxpayers to make pre-tax contributions that then are treated as tax-deferred until withdrawn in retirement is a smart part of retirement planning.
Pre-tax contributions reduce your tax liability because the amount of the contribution is deducted from gross income. The retirement account is not taxed on any income or capital gain as long as funds remain in the IRA, with the exception of amounts withdrawn. Those are taxed as ordinary income. Taxes can be delayed to age 72, when annual minimum distributions are required to begin. Then income tax is due on withdrawals.
There is no change in the contribution limit for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA’s). That amount remains at $6,000 for those under age 50, and $7,000 for those age 50 and older. The amount has not changed since 2019.
Other recent legislation allows people to continue to make contributions after age 70, as long as they have income of at least the amount of the contribution.
More workers may now qualify for Roth IRA contributions, based on income phaseouts that are rising $4,000 ($129,000 – $144,000) for single filers and rising $6,000 ($204,000 – $214,000) for married filing jointly.
Be sure to check with your tax preparer or financial advisor about how any changes in the laws regarding retirement savings and planning impact your particular situation.