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Individuals who have signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (via healthcare.gov) may have heard from the federal government in recent days as inquiries are being made to verify information provided for subsidized health insurance.
According to an article in the NYTimes June 15, of the eight million people who signed up for health insurance through insurance exchanges under the ACA, two million reported information that differed from data already in government records.
The government has hired a company to resolve these inconsistencies and consumers are being asked for additional documents to verify their income, citizenship, immigration status, Social Security numbers and information about health insurance coverage they may have via their employer.
People who do not provide the information requested risk losing their health insurance subsidy and may have to repay subsidies next April, via their income tax return.
7 things to know if the Marketplace asks for more information (click for article)
Contact Anna Moorman for more information at 236-4311.

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