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Medicare, Allen Insurance and Financial

Allen Insurance and Financial is holding a series of free Medicare 101 workshops in September. All are Zoom presentations with specific meeting information provided by email.

  • Thursday, Sept. 10, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Register with Belfast Area Adult Education: 338-3197
  • Monday, Sept. 21, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Register with Five-Town Adult Ed: 236-7800 x3274
  • Thursday, Sept. 24, with the Bremen Public Library, 7 to 8 p.m. Rregister with Jo-Ann Neal via email: jneal(at)allenif.com.
  • Wednesday, Sept. 30, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Register with Medomak Valley Adult Ed: 832-5205.

Anna Moorman and Jo-Ann Neal of Allen Insurance and Financial’s Benefits Division will help answer questions, including:

  • What does Medicare cover?
  • What does Medicare NOT cover?
  • When can I enroll in Medicare?
  • What is a Medicare Advantage Plan?
  • What is a Medicare Supplement Plan?
  • What plan is best for me?

Anna Moorman and Jo-Ann Neal specialize in Medicare and will be available for a question and answer session following the presentation.

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