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On Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013, Know Technology and Allen Insurance and Financial will host a morning symposium from 10 noon at Machias Savings Bank in Brewer, Maine. Drawing on expertise from technology and insurance practices, the event will help CEO/CFO/CIO/COOs, and senior management, comprehensively understand data risks and learn best practices to protect business data from threats and loss. REGISTER ONLINE

Businesses of all sizes in every industry have a real reason to worry about the dangers of malicious code and web-based attacks on corporate and customer data.
There are two fronts on which to fight this battle: technology to keep the hackers out and insurance to protect assets should they be attacked. It’s the kind of battle that should not be fought alone.
Managing Data Protection and Cyber Risk is the topic of a free symposium for Maine businesses offered by Know Technology and Allen Insurance and Financial, Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 10 a.m., at Machias Savings Bank, Brewer, Maine.
“Today, businesses have very legitimate concerns on how to best secure their data,” said Steve Hand, Know Technology’s CEO. “From regulatory requirements to privacy laws, to simply the ease at which employees can intentionally or (worse) unintentionally let sensitive information out the door.”
“Our goal is to help business leaders understand the complexity of the situation and how to cost-effectively protect their data, which is often a core asset of their business,” said Hand. The seminar is free and open to the public. Sign up to attend here.
“Data breaches do happen. Insurance can help with a dedicated team to help cover the cost of lost business, data recovery and related legal or public relations challenges,” said Joanne Billington, business insurance specialist at Allen Insurance and Financial. “This kind of protection is as necessary today as any other step a smart business person would take to protect his or her assets.”
Stephen Hand, CEO and CTO, Know Technology
Know Technology is focused on delivering value to clients through Managed Services and Professional Service. Stephen is the company’s founder, and manages the IT Professional Services Division. In his role, he works with clients to develop the technology roadmap that enables their organization to focus on their mission instead of technology. Steve will discuss managing the supporting computing infrastructure to address data access, usage, storage and security.
Joanne Billington, Commercial Insurance Specialist, Allen Insurance and Financial
Allen Insurance and Financial provides independent insurance and financial planning services to businesses and families in Maine and around the world. In her role, Joanne works with municipalities, non-profits and technology-based businesses, meeting the challenge of making an invisible product visible. Joanne will discuss the ways insurance can assist businesses of all sizes with the cyber-exposure risks they face daily.

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